DMT Dance 002
by DJ Hazelgurner
DMT Dance 002
by DJ Hazelgurner57
2 years ago
This week is hosted by DJ Hazelgurner.
DMT Dance is a new version of the electronic party designed to connect us from conscious joy with the states of the BEING and the high vibrations.
A quantum experience is born in order to generate a greater openness and connection between the body, mind, and spirit …
We will share the experience of inhabiting unlimited spaces of fluid creativity and we will become aware of how to reconnect with our internal power.
DMT Dance! It proposes dance and music as the vehicles of connection with LIFE that allow us to BE who we really are …
In the beginning, there is Jessika Lobato offers a dynamic meditation focused on generating a conscious multidimensional experience. A Quantica experience of internal coherence and transformation.
Because the entire Universe occurs within you … SHINE!
See you in the expansion that will take place in your heart!
DMT Dance!
Multidimensional Experience
Hosted By Jessika Lobato, Dj Hazelgurner & Nykkyo Energy DJ